Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hah. Fuck.

The few of us(Shan, Selynn, Kengleng and me) got quite piss of just now while studying. Things goes like this...

There's this couple with their baby was sitting infront of us. Y'know.. Kids are so so so endearing and adorable when they make some sort of noises. AGREE? SO, Selynn and I was like commenting bout it, like somehow, praise the baby and telling each other how cute the child it. But the father was a damn bloody downgraded asshole. He thought we were complaining that his child was noisy and stuffs. HE EVEN MADE NASTY COMMENT ABOUT US.


Don't you understand SIMPLE ENGLISH? But I think that given to your ability, I doubt you're able to understand SIMPLE ENGLISH. OR ARE YOU HAVING HEARING DISABILITY? OR EYESIGHT PROBLEM? I guess that your receptor have transmit wrong impulses to your damn brain. Seriously, I got so damn bloody piss off. FIRSTLY, HIS NASTY COMMENTS. SECONDLY, HE DOESN't KNOW WHAT'S COMPLIMENTING AND LASTLY, HIS MENTALITY. And if he were to be around my age group, I'll sure @!$(%^$&#(*^&*#(47 him up luh.

Damn. -.-

Okay, enough bout this asshole.


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