Friday, April 30, 2010

Lady GaGa


Look what she've done to herself. She could be a very pretty lady and with good future. However, I'm not sure it's her manager or herself wants it. But first she start off with songs like Paparazzi and Poker face. But her performance at VMA was truly d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g. After a while, she released a new hit namely Bad Romance. Slowly, she's becoming extremely X-rated. Then, a hit featuring Beyonce, Telephone. And I find her more and more disgusting.

Now, she did something which is more redundant.


What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck she's thinking? So what if the company paid for her operating fees and the loss of her limbs? LIKE, she's not having diabetes or accident.

Check out this web.

I ain't sure if this is true or false.

But you see, why would you wanna amputate a limb off just for fashion purpose when your limb is in a good condition? Have you ever consider the facts that how would a person that loses his or her lower limb? They want to regain their lost part so badly that they got depressed over it. Imagine them raging over this kind of news. If she doesn't her lower leg, then might as well land her with diabetes or accident? What for wasting the money and resources to remove just one perfectly fine limb? I think people can just invite her to Paralympics to see how people with disabilities live on. They lost their limbs without any willingness, but they live on happily and they are people with brains. Lady Gaga ain't human at all, does she even have the sense of sympathy or does she even have common sense? Did she ever consider the feelings of people with disabilities?

What's wrong?
Seriously, what's wrong with her?


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