Friday, August 6, 2010

a period of my life

Every month, there'll be a period of time my mood will deteriorate --- From bad to worst. However this is when my guy and I will quarrel, at this period of time. Instead of understanding the kind of experience that I'm having and understand that mood swing ain't a thing that I can control easily, all he say that mood swing is an excuse that I uses every month to run away from everything. Then why not reading a text cause you time to read, cause you time to reply and cause you time to think is an excuse of late replying?

Each time I flare up, even I myself know that it's mood swing. Cos that's not my usual behaviour. I can see that, why not my guy? Mood swing is NOT an excuse at all for me. It is NOT what I wanna experience. Different girls experience different symptoms of premenstrual, unfortunately I'm am experiencing mood swing as my PMS.

PMS is an hormonal shift that women will experience and women are sensitive to the hormonal shift! Stress doesn't cause PMS but when women is experiencing stress, it'll be difficult to handle it prior to PMS. That's why ANGER is seen frequently.

The symptoms of  PMS are mainly fatigue, tension and irritability, difficulty in concentrating, anger, depression, food craving, breast tenderness, headaches, growing of pimples and oily face and etc...

No one says there's NO cure for PMS. There IS cure for it.
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Literary Therapy
  • Talk Therapy
GIRLS, you may actually talk to your doctor about this situation. It is something that I've thought of it before, but I had no idea to go to who. Girlfriends, friends and family are there for you. I'll talk to my girlfriend about the problem that I'm facing once in a while. This will help in relieving how you feel.

I remember that there's once in TNP, there's a report bout a lady who counsel her doctor about very bad PMS which is mood swing that affected her family communication and work. After counsellings and  regular medication, her condition got better. I've forgotten the helpline to it already.

Just on a side thought, will guys ever understand how we girls feel about it?

All I ever wanted was my guy to know that mood swing ISN'T an excuse for me at all. It is something which I've try my very very best to control already. The times that I would flare up is only when I'm vex, tried and period.  Must I really go to a doctor one day and prove it to you and only then you'll understand that it is not an excuse anymore?

However, if a person is experiencing mood swing regardless of period or not, meaning every day or most of the time whether she's having period or not. Better get a counselor or psychiatrist, you might be down with depression or you're using it as an excuse only. Girls, please take it seriously and not for the sake of coming up with an excuse. And guys, please do understand.

Credits to: x, x and myself!


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