Friday, August 13, 2010


If you feel that your life doesn't have any meaning to it, try taking up jobs like being a nurse, volunteer and social worker. When people gets old, then you'll know that you're much better than them. You will feel that after you take up any of these jobs, life would be more meaningful to you. Look at how the sick ones and disabled one cherish their life. Don't keep complaining about having a no life life or meaningless life.

All you have to do is just to have a lil chat with them. Even though you may not understand what they're talking about, but at least show some acknowledgement to their words so that they'll receive recognition. A simple conversation could make them smile all day. =)

When they start to tell you that they are going off soon, embrace them and tell them they are not. Simple activities like crayon colouring may be one of the easiest task for you to complete. But when you get old with wheelchair and weak limbs, crayon colouring will be one of the most difficult task for you to complete. Cos your confidence level will drop and you'll think that others does better than you. Your weak hand will cause you to lose the ability to colour the picture completely. Come to think of it, is this what they want? No.

Actually, being a nurse isn't that tough at all. It is the most beautiful job ever. The initial thoughts of getting out of nursing career was abandon shortly only just a few days at the home.

When they smile, naturally you'll feel happy.
When they enjoy their day, naturally you'll feel happy too.

Don't complain so much bout your own life. Spare some thoughts for the sick, old, disabled, unfortunate and lonely people. You're far off better than them yet you could not live your life meaningfully. They're not better than you, but they did not complaint about anything at all. They'll just smile and live their remaining years meaningfully and better than yours.


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